Apr 15, 2011

Vital Records Secion 2

This is all the pages for Section 2. 
This one will take some effort, but I can not stress enough, how important this section is. 
 If you do not want to make a special trip to the doctors or dentist for your records,
remember to get them at your next appointment. 
 Fill out your medical release form right away.  I recommend that you make a few copies and have them available to babysitters, also keep a copy in your car in case you are ever in an accident.
Be sure to list important medical information like; the style and serial number of medical devices, such as pacemakers.

Here is the link

Now that we have finished section 1 and section 2 we are going to take a break while we work on putting all that info together.  For the next little bit we will touch on some Preparedness info for water storage, sanitation, food storage and things of that nature.