Apr 30, 2011

Sun Oven

There is a Cooking Essentials Seminar with Paul (owner of Sun Oven)
On Saturday MAY 28, 2011 at 2:30. 
 It will be at Survival Solutions 2864 N Fairfield, Layton Utah.

Vital records make-over

Some of our pages are getting a face lift, and we are adding a few NEW pages.  If you have printed these pages I am So Sorry.  I hope you like the NEW design and pages better.
They are coming soon.  I will just replace them on the original post and also post a link to the updated sections here.

Vital records section 3

Section 3 is all about our homes. 
If your rent you sould still fill this info out.
Just use renters insurance instead of homeowners insurance and so on. 
 The last page is for an inventory of your personal property.  This is a must for insurance. 
If you have not done this alredy, I highly recomend it. 
*A great tip for your movie and music collection would be to take a picture of your collection and add a title and artist list with your picture.  Then if something should happen you know exactly what you have.

Here is the link:

Apr 27, 2011

Tuscan chicken and vegetables

1 can (13 ounces) chicken, drained and shredded
1 can (14-1/2 ounces) zucchini in tomato sauce
1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce
1 can (15-1/2 ounces) white kidney beans, rinsed and drained, or 2 cups cooked white kidney beans
2 tablespoons dried onion
1/4 teaspoon dried minced garlic
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
Parmesan cheese

Combine all but the Parmesan cheese in a large saucepan. 
Heat thoroughly, cooking for about 15 minutes.
Serve with Parmesan cheese. 
Serves 4.

I thought it would be nice to have a cover page so we can start to build a recipe binder.  You will need a binder and plastic page protectors.  I will make and post dividers, so check back soon.

Family Home Evening Board

This is a super cute and super easy activity we did for Family Home Evening.
The items we used were:
A Decorative Metal Hanger
A Wood Board
Wood craft tags
Plastic frames
(I got mine at wal-mart for $1)
Spry paint (any color)
Hot glue
Ribbon and embellishments
And a few small nails
First we sprayed the wood board and tags.
While they were drying we put our pictures in the plastic frames.
We then cut our ribbon and hot glued it to the back of our frame so it made a loop.
We strung ribbon through the top of the wood tags and hot glued them to the back of the board.
We then attached the ribbon to the back of the board at the top and tied it to our hanger.
To hang our pictures on the board, we tapped in some small nails on the top of our board so they lined up with our tags.
We labeled our tags with things like:
Opening Prayer
Journal Page
Closing Prayer
We put small embellishments like bows on our tags and on the corners of our board.  It would be really cute with flowers, buttons and other cute things to make it personal to you.
Then hang your new Family Home Evening Board up in a special place.  I hung ours in the living room.  It's easy to see and serves as a reminder to everyone what their assignment is.  The kids love to see their pictures and help remind Mom and Dad to have Family Home Evening!  So Cute and Easy.  Enjoy!

Apr 26, 2011

Wheat Meat

Wheat meat

9 C. whole wheat flour
4 ½ C. tap water

Mix flour with water in a kitchenaid or other mixer and knead on low speed for 10 minutes. Allow to rest for 20-30 minutes. Pour additional tap water over the rested wheat mixture. Place your hands in the water and squeeze the dough until the water is white and starchy. Pour off the water and add more water and continue to squeeze the dough. Continue this practice until the bran and starch is removed and the water is clear.

Allow gluten to rest 10 minutes.

Press out gluten to a ½” thickness on a greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

Remove from cookie sheet and fold to fit into a large bag. Close bag and allow gluten to cool. This will soften the rough texture.

Tear cooled gluten into large pieces. Working in small batches, grind gluten by processing it in a food processor. This can also be done by using a hand or electric grinder. Gluten is now ready to season and use as you would hamburger.

Tex Mex Black Bean Casserole

Tex Mex Black Bean Casserole
2 C. cooked black beans or 1-15 oz. can of black beans, drained
2 C. browned hamburger or 2 C. ground gluten (wheat meat)
1-15oz. can of diced tomatoes with green chili peppers added, do not drain
1-15 oz. can of corn, drained
Salt and pepper to taste
Other seasons if desired (chili powder, garlic, dried red pepper flakes)
2 C. shredded cheese, divided
Grease a 9 inch baking pan and set aside. Combine beans, hamburger or gluten, tomatoes with juice, corn and salt and pepper. Stir in one cup of the cheese. Pour mixture into baking pan. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until heated through. Makes 4 servings.
Note: The mixture is great for enchilada filling.

Scripture Stickers

As part of preparing our personal Ark we must remember to feed our heart and spirit too.
These are some really fun stickers you can put in your scriptures.
They are a great tool for personal scripture study and Fun too.
Just print them out on a 8 1/2"x11" Shipping Label and cut them out.
Challeng yourself to have personal and family scripture study.

Apr 25, 2011

Family Home Evening

Honoring Your Parents
Printout of Face and Smile (best on cardstock)
10 pieces of paper and 2 pencils/pens
Cut out mouth and fasten it to the face so you can make the face frown or smile. Tape it to the wall.
Read Exodus 20:12. What does it mean to honor and obey your parents?
Split into two teams. Separate into different rooms. Give each team 5 pieces of paper and a pencil. Have each team think of 5 ways to either obey or disobey your parents. After everyone has thought of 5 things, have everyone come back into the room.
Have the first team pick one of their own pieces of paper. Have them act out a scene with that situation. Have the opposite team decide whether it is obeying or not obeying your parents by placing a smile or frown on the boys face.
After the activity bare your testimony about how obeying our parents can make us happy.

Here is the link:

Apr 18, 2011

Family Home Evening

The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock

I glued them onto cardstock and hot glued a rock in the corner and a bow.

There is also a folder game that can go along with this lesson here is the link to that.
File Folder Game Wise and Foolish man

Apr 16, 2011

All is safely gathered in

This is a great inspirational Video about the importance of keeping the Commandment of food storage.
This blog is in it's infancy, but we hope that along the way we will be able to teach you the things talked about in this video. Thank you to those who made it.

Apr 15, 2011

Medication Take-Back Event

Davis HELPS(Health Education Law Enforcement Programs) is pleased to co-sponsor a very important event coming up on Saturday, April 30, 2011... Prescription Takeback. The Prescription Takeback event allows you to bring unused over-the-counter and prescription medications to one of the following locations so they can be safely destroyed. This event will take place throughout Davis County at the following sites:
  • Bountiful
    555 South 200 West
    2399 South Main St
  • Farmington
    1316 North Highway 89
  • Layton
    1170 East Gentile
  • Syracuse
    951 West 1700 South
  • Sunset
    2353 North Main St
Why Should I Take the Time To Do This?
  • Many drugs flushed down the toilet cannot be removed by the sewer treatment plant or septic system.
  • These substances then get into our streams, rivers, lakes, groundwater and our soil and may cause harm to the environment.
  • Abuse of prescription drugs, particularly painkillers, has increased among teenagers and young adults.
  • More than half of people who abuse painkillers get the drugs from friends or relatives.
  • Children and pets can find medicine in your home or in your trash.
  • Drugs may be taken by accident, on purpose or illegally sold.
  • You can prevent accidental poisoning and drug abuse.
What if I cannot go to the Medication Take-Back Event?
  • You can find permanent community collection sites near you at http://www.useonlyasdirected.org/, and directions for safe disposal in your trash if there is no site near you. This website also lists other one-time Take-Back events occurring at different times and locations around the state.

Here is the link

Preparedness Fair

You do not need to be a citizen of one of these cities to attend
Farmington City Council has declared April as Emergency Preparedness Month and has encouraged each of its citizens and business to become aware of preparedness. This year the cities of Farmington, Fruit Heights, and Kaysville are combining efforts to host a Tri-city Emergency Preparedness Fair
It will be held in Fruit Heights on Saturday, April 30th, from 10:00 am. ‘til 2:00 pm. Displays and booths will be in both the Westminster Presbyterian Church at 796 S. Mountain Road and across the street at the LDS church, 901 S. Mountain Road as well as outside – weather permitting.
Many informative booths are planned such as food, water and fuel storage along with demonstrations concerning different aspects of disaster readiness such as 72-hour kits and Sheltering in Place. Local Emergency Preparedness merchants will attend and provide preparedness items for sale.
 Local emergency agencies will attend along with Life Flight and Davis County Search and Rescue.
 Children will enjoy a special visit from the Jazz Bear at 11:00.  
In conjunction with the Fair, a Boy Scout Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge class will be taught. 
 For more information contact Paul White, paulewhite1951@gmail.com or call 801-451-5108.

Here is the link to the Flyer

Vital Records Secion 2

This is all the pages for Section 2. 
This one will take some effort, but I can not stress enough, how important this section is. 
 If you do not want to make a special trip to the doctors or dentist for your records,
remember to get them at your next appointment. 
 Fill out your medical release form right away.  I recommend that you make a few copies and have them available to babysitters, also keep a copy in your car in case you are ever in an accident.
Be sure to list important medical information like; the style and serial number of medical devices, such as pacemakers.

Here is the link

Now that we have finished section 1 and section 2 we are going to take a break while we work on putting all that info together.  For the next little bit we will touch on some Preparedness info for water storage, sanitation, food storage and things of that nature.