Apr 25, 2011

Family Home Evening

Honoring Your Parents
Printout of Face and Smile (best on cardstock)
10 pieces of paper and 2 pencils/pens
Cut out mouth and fasten it to the face so you can make the face frown or smile. Tape it to the wall.
Read Exodus 20:12. What does it mean to honor and obey your parents?
Split into two teams. Separate into different rooms. Give each team 5 pieces of paper and a pencil. Have each team think of 5 ways to either obey or disobey your parents. After everyone has thought of 5 things, have everyone come back into the room.
Have the first team pick one of their own pieces of paper. Have them act out a scene with that situation. Have the opposite team decide whether it is obeying or not obeying your parents by placing a smile or frown on the boys face.
After the activity bare your testimony about how obeying our parents can make us happy.

Here is the link: