Apr 27, 2011

Family Home Evening Board

This is a super cute and super easy activity we did for Family Home Evening.
The items we used were:
A Decorative Metal Hanger
A Wood Board
Wood craft tags
Plastic frames
(I got mine at wal-mart for $1)
Spry paint (any color)
Hot glue
Ribbon and embellishments
And a few small nails
First we sprayed the wood board and tags.
While they were drying we put our pictures in the plastic frames.
We then cut our ribbon and hot glued it to the back of our frame so it made a loop.
We strung ribbon through the top of the wood tags and hot glued them to the back of the board.
We then attached the ribbon to the back of the board at the top and tied it to our hanger.
To hang our pictures on the board, we tapped in some small nails on the top of our board so they lined up with our tags.
We labeled our tags with things like:
Opening Prayer
Journal Page
Closing Prayer
We put small embellishments like bows on our tags and on the corners of our board.  It would be really cute with flowers, buttons and other cute things to make it personal to you.
Then hang your new Family Home Evening Board up in a special place.  I hung ours in the living room.  It's easy to see and serves as a reminder to everyone what their assignment is.  The kids love to see their pictures and help remind Mom and Dad to have Family Home Evening!  So Cute and Easy.  Enjoy!