Feb 20, 2011

Vital Records, Family member info

As we continue working on our Vital records, keep in mind that it is better to know what to do and where to go BEFORE an event happens.  It is a good idea to practice "Mock disasters" with your family.  Try calling your teens while they are at a friends house and have them run through what they should do and where they should go.  They may feel uneasy at first, but the knowledge gained could save their life.  Call your spouse at work and see if they know what to do if an event happened.  Planning ahead will take a lot of the FEAR away.  These next two pages in our binder are very important.  Fill them out NOW and put them in your binder.  I have been putting mine in sheet protectors and recommend that you do the same.  It will come in very handy when we start adding other documents to our binder.
Make sure you keep these pages up to date. 
Here is the link 

Here is the link

Feb 18, 2011

Vital Records, Family Emergency Plan

An Emergency can happen at any time, whether you are ready or not.  The time to plan is NOW.  Have you ever thought what you would do, or where you would meet in the event of an emergency?  Families with children at home this is a MUST!  Will you and your children know where to meet if you are not at home, and your home and family inside have been evacuated? 
What if you are out of town?  What will happen to your pets?  What is your plan if there is a fire?  Sit down as a family and
 I can't imagine going through the stress of an event and not know where my children or spouse are. 

Here is the link:
Family Emergency Plan pdf

On this page draw the different areas of your home and the evacuation routes and exit points. 
 Practice this evacuation in your home. 
This is a great Family home evening activity,
and should be practiced often,
 Even if you are alone or have a large family.
  Don't be caught off guard. 
This is a good time to also check the batteries in your smoke detectors.
Here is the link

This is the cover page for your neighborhood block plan.  If you don't have a neighborhood block plan DON'T WORRY.  We will cover how to organize one at a later date.  Just put this page in your binder and check back often.  I hope to have it posted by the first part of JUNE at the latest.

Here is the link

Feb 17, 2011

Vital Records Binder, Family Emergency Contact

I don't know about you, but one thing I have learned about myself is that when crisis hits...I Panic.  Okay not like full on panic but my mind goes blank and I can't remember where things are or what I should do.  I hope that if you are anything like me this Vital Records Binder will help you.
With this binder everything you need will be in one spot.
This binder will be Vital to you in an emergency.
Have you ever been asked what your phone number is and you have to think about it?  What about someone Else's number?
   Not only do I have a hard time knowing MY number (I don't call myself), but I only have to push a button on my phone and the person I want picks up!  What happens if your phone is lost, left behind or worse DEAD?  No worry you grabbed your binder, you are prepared!  Now you can contact anyone you need!
These next few pages are your EMERGENCY numbers.

Here is the link

Here is the link

Things to Come

We will be doing a lot of fun things on this site.  We will be going over food storage, emergency essentials, what to do in an emergency, plus some great things to help build up and organize our family and home, and build on the spiritual side of things!  We hope that you can use some of the things you learn on this site or that they will help give you ideas that will work for you and your family.  We will be working on some binders for organizing all the records that are vital to you and your family, also a family planner binder.  The family planner is one of my favorite things in our home.  We will slowly build these and put them together.  So keep with us as we get the fun started.  Thanks to all who are supporting us in our calling and who are enjoying this site.  We love all of you.

Feb 13, 2011


We wish to welcome all who come to find information on food storage, emergency preparedness, home and family living and spiritual preparedness.  This is a fun site meant to share ideas and information.  This is not an official site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but we often share ideas and information and references to "the church".  All are welcome.  We hope this blog will help inspire you to prepare your own personal ARK for you and your family.  Our hope is that we may all be prepared.  Thanks for visiting.